We’re going to provide you with some spreadsheet hacks that will make Excel more exciting and fun to use, no matter what functions you’re entering. Read on to find out some beneficial excel hacks.
Table of Contents
1. Change Cell Color
We all understand that when using excel, you typically will use the standard white cells. But, there is a way that you can change this and bring something different to the entire spreadsheet, and that’s by changing the color of the cells and the shapes.
To do this, you’re going to want to select the cell that you want to change. After you select the cell, click on the draw menu found at the top of your screen. After selecting the draw menu, you can then decide which shape you want to change the cell and then choose a color based on the color chart that is also located at the top of the page.
2. Change the Border
We all know that excel uses textbook squared borders to complete the spreadsheet. You can change the appearance of the orders and select rounder corners instead of the standard corners.
To do this, all you’ve got to do is use the right click button while hovering over the chart. After that, you will choose the formal chart option provided to you and scroll until you find the rounded borders.
After you find this, you can either choose to use that function or try out some of the other options provided in this area.
3. Comparison Charts
This is by far one of the best excel shortcuts that we’re going to add to our list, and that’s the ability to split one spreadsheet into two. You will want to do this if you’re computing functions that need to be compared.
Instead of completing an entirely new table and having to input some of the same information, all you’ve got to do is split the spreadsheet in have. There is an easy way to do this by clicking the vertical bar wherever it’s located on your page. You can also combine spreadsheets by using excel formulas.
And from there, drag the page to create the split-screen, if you’d like to do this horizontally, you can do that too. If you find that you’re still having questions about excel, check out excel.net.
Spreadsheet Hacks 101
There are tons of ways that you can implement these spreadsheet hacks to ensure that your spreadsheet is as engaging as it can be. From changing the colors and shapes of the cells that you’re using to implementing the split-screen feature.
Now that you’ve got some productivity tips, take some time to scroll through some of the other posts on our site.