Do you want to have free backlinks? If yes then you reached a perfect platform. Here, I explained amazing keys that can help you to score free backlinks. But for this purpose, you must have to acknowledge some important concepts of the process.
Value propositions are very important in link building. Even more, you can say that there is nothing more important in link building than these value propositions.
Do you want to have a successful link building? If yes then you must use the perspective of value first. It will help you to make successful efforts in link building.
For example, you add value to something but before this, you think about the reward. Many professionals say that a good value proposition is money. But I am going to discuss the strategies to have free backlinks. What if it does not work for you? If you want to know more about the backlink strategies then you can consult SEO services in Dubai for better guidance.
Money is not a good choice in this situation, you have to use sweet equity. A good idea is that you must go for creative solutions to your problems when you don’t find a typical strategy or a big solution.
You can say that it is a massage advantage. Don’t take it as a disadvantage. Apply the given strategies to get free backlinks immediately.
- Use Known Contacts
- Help Others As A Successful Alumnus
- Provide Internship Opportunities
- Write Great Content For Different Websites
- Strategy Of Reverse Guest Posting
- Strategy Of Interview Expert
- Recreation Of Dead Content
- Help Websites That Need SSL Certificates
- Data-Driven Posts
- Invite Real Experts For A Roundup
- Reverse Roundups Of Experts
- Search Pages That Can Link To Volunteers Or Sponsors
- Listing Of Businesses
- Create Relevant Profiles
Table of Contents
1. Use Known Contacts
Think about your office colleagues, friends, family, or other people who have a website that can be useful for you.
2. Help Others As A Successful Alumnus
Here is a good idea for you. You can go back to your college or school. They always welcome successful alumni. Find the universities and colleges in the area in which you live or any other local area. Then voluntarily help those students who need it.
Options of guest posts or guest speaking are always good. Use your expertise and value to have links.
3. Provide Internship Opportunities
Internship programs are the best option if you are facing difficulties in running your business or company. Work on developing internship program opportunities.
After this, you must have a dedicated page about internship details. Now, search the opportunities related to links.
If you want to focus on local internships then you have to combine the word ‘city’ and ‘internships’ in the search bar. But only do that if you are offering a local internship.
And if you are offering an internship on a national level, then you have to acknowledge the websites that are related to internship directories.
4. Write Great Content For Different Websites
The other best strategy to have free backlinks is guest posting. It has value exchange. Write valuable content for other websites or businesses that they don’t have.
And by putting efforts, you can get a backlink in return. Open Google and search the different queries like ‘write for us’ or ‘fitness+ write for us’ etc. You have to use Data Miner Pugin for result export.
Then you have to add them into your search (prospect) database. If you want to have a large database then repeat this process six to seven times. After this, make a copy of 200 prospects.
Then open SEMRush. Now, open “Gap Analysis” first and then “Bulk Analysis”. Paste the copied prospects to run the analysis. It will give you details of the search traffic for the searched websites.
Prefer the websites that have the highest traffic because these websites have opportunities for the best quality. Now, you have to search for their contact information. Use for it. I also use it and it’s worth having.
Prepare an outreach email after getting contact information. Make sure that this email should be simple. You can send your first email to get a good response. Once they respond to you, then send a second email with your ideas.
5. Strategy Of Reverse Guest Posting
Reverse guest posting is a strategy in which other experts or professionals write content for your website. You can do it to make sure that those experts have their website or specific audience.
But I don’t think so they will link back to the website you own. It can happen because of ego bait. Simply, people promote their own website and it’s a part of the business. Everyone is doing this!
Now, this method has a provision. Your website needs a decent and good audience, and more importantly, maximum traffic. No one will write for you if they will not get benefits in return. So don’t forget the value exchange.
6. Strategy Of Interview Expert
The technique of the interview expert is not a new trick. You can find it in books but it’s still worth it. That’s because many interviews continue to become an ego bait.
If an interview is promoted on the website you own, it will prove beneficial. Now, you have to visit the link profile of Smart Passive Income. For this purpose, go to Ahrefs.
You will find that interviews are linked with the hosting (host of interviews) pages. Many interviewees have good reputations. In general, the links of their interviews seem attractive.
For example, you can find an interview with Ramit Sethi on The website is linked to the interview of Ramit Sethi.
It shows that interviews have great power.
7. Recreation Of Dead Content
It’s a simple technique. You can call it White Hat Alternative to PBNs. You have to find many expired domains. Remember that these domains should be qualified.
SpamZilla is a good tool, you can use it for finding expired domains. Open Ahrefs again. Look for a site explorer. Now, paste the respective expired domain. You can search for all of its links that are being followed.
After this, you have to keenly observe the pages that contain backlinks. Copy URL of such pages and open the Way Back Machine. You have to paste URLs in this digital archive.
Then, find out the content that is relevant for your website, and if it’s not then keep searching. If you find relevant content then think about whether you can write something better or not.
If you can do this then create the best content. You have to reach out to a maximum number of websites that are linked to some dead pages.
8. Help Websites That Need SSL Certificates
Search the websites that have not installed the SSL Certificate. Then help those websites. This method is also helpful for finding SEO clients. You can say that resolving the issue of SSL certificates is a good offer.
Now, you can give the offer of SEO services. You can also visit the local SEO Community for better guidelines.
9. Data-Driven Posts
People always find it pleasant when they link to data. The good thing is that you don’t have to develop data from dead or scratch content. Work on the data that is available and develop a professional resource.
Developing original data is a good idea. It may seem complicated or difficult but it is worth it.
10. Invite Real Experts For A Roundup
Invite a good expert for a roundup because most roundups go bad. A good expert can play a vital role in your success. You can also include it in the category of ego bait.
The good thing is that there is a possibility that experts can link back to websites that they have visited.
11. HARO
HARO is very effective for link building. Most of the submissions may not be approved so be prepared for that. It’s not a new experience. But if your contribution is approved, then you can score amazing links.
12. Reverse Roundups Of Experts
Search for the existing round-ups of experts and be ready to contribute. Go to google and search for niches that want expert round ups.
13. Search Pages That Can Link To Volunteers Or Sponsors
There are many opportunities for links that are not used yet. Search for these opportunities on a local level. If you volunteer in the surrounding area, then you can score many links.
Go to google and search the companies that need sponsors or volunteers. Then find the pages that link to volunteers or sponsors. Make it your target.
Sometimes you have to do online technical support and sometimes you may ask to do physical labor or individual participation.
14. Listing Of Businesses
Create the listing of the business. This is the simplest way that can help you to score free links. If you have a local business, then it will be very helpful for you. Don’t change the NAP on your website, it should be consistent.
Use the service of Fat Joe’s citation building if you want to save your time.
15. Create Relevant Profiles
Don’t make profiles randomly. Make those profiles that are relevant. For example, if I create a profile on Moz or a Forum related to SEO then it makes sense.
Most websites will provide you a link. Some websites may follow and you may find others that are no-followed. Websites are relevant so there is no issue if you find no-followed websites.
I hope these points are clear to you and you can utilize these useful strategies in a good way. You can mention your query in the comment section, so we can respond to you quickly.