In this current climate, we’re more conscious than ever before about catching something airborne. That said, before COVID-19 we may not have given catching the flu much of a second thought.
The ability in fighting the flu, however, has moved onto our radar. Would you believe that every year nearly half a million people are hospitalized with the flu?
Fighting the flu won’t automatically protect you from COVID-19, but a stronger immune system will be a definite advantage.
In this article, we will give you 10 tips for combating flu and helping you stay healthy. The winter is only around the corner, so now is the time to read below and build up your immune system.
Table of Contents
1. First Line of Defense
Your first line of defense is to visit your local health clinic and get a flu jab. This will help boost your immune system’s ability to deal with toxins that enter your body from the flu virus. It doesn’t take long and could save you a lot more time in the long run.
The flu has several types which mutate at different rates. That means that even though you may have had the flu shot in the past, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get the flu this season.
2. Hand to Hand Combat
The flu virus is transmitted by tiny droplets that come into direct contact with our respiratory system if someone coughs or sneezes near you. Alternatively, those droplets settle onto other surfaces. We then touch those infected areas and transmit the virus into our body when we touch food or our mouth, etc.
You can combat this ‘hand’ transmission by making sure you regularly wash your hands and are careful not to touch your mouth or face without washing your hands first. As a general rule, good hand hygiene will save you from a lot of unpleasant lurgies.
3. Manage Your Environment
We just noted that flu droplets can settle onto surfaces that you eventually come into contact with. Therefore, you’re wise to clean the surfaces around you regularly. That may include your door handles, your mobile device, and the keys on your keyboard.
Another aspect of your environment that is worth thinking about is the humidity of the air in your house. There is some suggestion that dry or humid air can contribute to catching the flu. You might want to consider using a humidifier for flu.
4. Don’t Follow the Crowd
It is unfortunate that many other people don’t take the flu seriously and they also neglect to take a flu shot as a preventative measure. That means many people this season will experience flu symptoms to varying degrees and they will unwittingly transmit it to others.
Being in crowded locations will increase the likelihood of coming into contact with the flu. As far as possible, stay away from crowded locations like schools, hospitals, entertainment events, etc. where there will be a large congregation of people.
5. Strengthen Your Natural Defense
You can do much to strengthen your general health. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of greens and of course your vegetables. This will help your body fight infection and any other viral assault.
Besides maintaining a good diet, you may want to consider supplementing your food with vitamins such as vitamin C. You can do this naturally by eating more lemons and other citric fruits.
6. Stay Hydrated
Your body needs water for a multitude of normal chemical and hormonal functions within the body. Drinking plenty of water is good for you generally, but it is also especially helpful during the flu. It will help your body to flush unwanted toxins out of your system.
7. Home Is Where the Heart Is
If you do catch the flu, then stay home. This isn’t only helpful to others, but it is what your body needs. Being at home with the comforts you need will help you to recover faster and be ready to get back to work.
Many people make the mistake of not staying at home at all, or long enough. That eventually leads to more severe symptoms and taking longer to recover.
8. Fighting the Flu – Sleep More
If you’re at home recovering from the flu, make sure you get adequate rest and sleep. Don’t fall into the trap of whiling away hours and hours watching movies and trash TV at the expense of getting the rest your body needs. Sleep is vital to fighting off the flu and recovering as quickly as possible.
9. Watch Your Stress Levels
As your stress levels go up, the effectiveness of your immune system goes down. So, keep an eye on your stress and anxiety levels. This is important any time of the year but even more so during the flu season.
10. Do a Darth Vader
Before COVID-19 it was a bit odd to see someone in a mask. Now it’s part of everyday life. Take a leaf out of Darth Vader’s book and get a face mask that is comfortable and you like wearing.
This will help you to want to wear it and to make it a habit. This will protect you from catching the flu when it is transmitted through the air.
A Fighting Chance
In this article, you have read about 10 tips to give you a strong chance of fighting the flu. Don’t neglect your general health and do what you can to keep your immune system strong and it will take care of you in return.
After COVID-19, we’re all a lot more flu-savvy than we have ever been. Many of the principles for protecting yourself from COVID-19 will serve you well in helping you avoid the flu this season.
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